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Support Spotlight PA

From the archives 2020

Like our work? Want to help? Here are 5 reasons to donate today to Spotlight PA

by Christopher Baxter |

From May 5-7, your gift to support Spotlight PA's essential public-service journalism will be DOUBLED.
STAFF / Spotlight PA

Dear Spotlight PA reader:

Eight short months ago, we launched the most ambitious journalism cooperative in Pennsylvania’s recent history to provide you and your community with sharp, hard-nosed accountability reporting about our state government and urgent statewide issues.

Today, amid the coronavirus pandemic, I couldn’t imagine Pennsylvania without Spotlight PA.

From unemployment backlogs to nursing homes left without oversight, fears about migrant worker safety to fighting against secrecy in the state’s business waiver process — in total, we’ve written more than 100 stories in the past two months that otherwise would never have been told.

Today, we’re launching a 3-day campaign to raise $10,000 toward making Spotlight PA a permanent fixture in our state. All donations made from May 5 to May 7 will be DOUBLED, thanks to a generous matching gift from The Lenfest Institute for Journalism.

Make a sustaining gift of $15/month now, or just 50 cents a day, and you will:

  1. EMPOWER OUR COMMUNITIES: Spotlight PA is unlike any news organization in the state. We’re funded by readers, and because of that support, we share our high-quality journalism at no charge to ensure every community gets the information it needs.

  2. DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY: For years, the number of reporters covering our state government has been in severe decline, all but guaranteeing waste, fraud and abuse. Spotlight PA’s team of 12 is restoring accountability in an unprecedented fashion.

  3. FIGHT FOR EQUITY: Every day, our journalists are ensuring the state government is working for all Pennsylvanians, and not just special interests and the well-connected. Spotlight PA focuses especially on vulnerable or underserved communities.

  4. SUPPORT SOLUTIONS: Spotlight PA’s investigative journalism doesn’t just point out problems, it also offers potential fixes. Rather than turn a quick story and move on, we dig in and scour the state and country for examples of solutions that could work here.

  5. GET RESULTS: Spotlight PA’s coronavirus coverage has influenced the state’s approach to business waivers, virus statistics, workers’ compensation rules, Spanish-language access and more. Before the crisis, our work spurred legislative proposals for reform and prompted policy changes in the House, the State Police and at the state’s largest community college.

Won’t you take advantage of this special opportunity and give now to see your donation DOUBLED? We’re counting on you to reach our $10,000 goal by the end of Thursday.

Thank you for your consideration and support. It’s a privilege to serve you, the public.


Christopher Baxter

Editor in Chief

Spotlight PA

Spotlight PA receives funding from nonprofit institutions and readers like you who are committed to investigative journalism that gets results. Give a gift today at

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