We cannot afford to leave journalism — a vital component of our beloved communities — in the hands of absent corporate owners, hedge funds, and agenda-driven billionaires. Many have spent the past two decades gutting our local news institutions.
Spotlight PA is blazing a bold new path forward.
We are independent, beholden to no corporate interests or profit motives. We’re strictly nonpartisan, with no political agenda, no policy preferences, and no opinion content. And we are nonprofit, allowing us to offer all of our journalism at no cost thanks to the generosity of thousands of people across Pennsylvania.
Our talented journalists produce stories you won’t find anywhere else, tracking our hard-earned tax dollars, exploring hugely consequential policy decisions, and holding our elected officials accountable. That reporting drives real and substantial change for the better.
Your support of Spotlight PA allows us to continue this urgent work and mission, ensuring all in Pennsylvania can access trusted, quality journalism that’s unique, relevant, illuminating, and inspiring. If you can, please consider donating to Spotlight PA just once, or better yet, support us every month with a sustaining gift to help us grow and build for the future.
Thank you.
Christopher Baxter
CEO/President, Spotlight PA
PS: If you prefer to mail a check, you can send it to:
Spotlight PA,
PO Box 11728,
Harrisburg, PA 17108-1728