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How Spotlight PA’s nonpartisan journalism cuts through the noise and gets results

by Christopher Baxter of Spotlight PA |

The Pennsylvania Capitol building in Harrisburg, a focus of Spotlight PA’s nonpartisan investigative reporting.
Commonwealth Media Services

HARRISBURG — State capitols are the testing grounds for the future of our country.

New policies and novel legal theories on everything from abortion to education to election administration are being shaped at the state level. And the decisions made in Harrisburg have a far greater effect on your life than the little done in Washington, D.C. these days.

That’s why Spotlight PA’s investigative and public-service reporting on the state capitol and urgent statewide issues is more vital than ever. Our journalism holds the powerful to account, keeps track of your tax dollars, and drives substantial change for the better of everyone.

But it cannot continue without your support. So as you consider the causes and organizations to support this year, I ask you to invest in nonpartisan, nonprofit journalism that’s getting the job done. And, in honor of Giving Tuesday, all gifts will be matched 3x — tripling your impact.

If you’re not familiar with our story, Spotlight PA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization founded in 2019 and dedicated to covering the state Capitol and urgent statewide issues. We are the largest statewide newsroom in Pennsylvania, and we are also the most unique.

We don’t endorse candidates, take policy positions, identify with any political party or ideology, or publish any opinion or editorial pieces. But we do stand for certain universal values:

  1. We believe the more people who know how our government works and how to participate, including the more people who vote, the stronger our state will be.

  2. We believe we, the taxpayers, have a fundamental right to know how our government and elected officials spend our money.

  3. We believe our government should be open and transparent with records and information about what it’s doing in our name, and how well it’s going.

  4. We believe those given the privilege to represent Pennsylvania in whatever forum and from whatever party should act honestly, ethically, and legally.

  5. And we believe free and unfettered investigative and public-service journalism is a fundamental pillar of a strong state, country, and democracy.

At Spotlight PA, we don’t make our decisions about which stories to write based on how many clicks they might get or how sensational they might be. We put the good of Pennsylvania first, and deliver deep, contextual stories that you won’t find anywhere else.

That’s also why we make all of our journalism available at no cost as a public service. Not only do we publish our articles on our website,, but we also share our work with more than 100 community news outlets across the state.

This unique public-service approach to journalism is only possible with your support.

Make a tax-deductible gift to Spotlight PA of any amount at, and as a special bonus, all contributions sent this week will be TRIPLED. You can also send a check to: Spotlight PA, PO Box 11728, Harrisburg, PA 17108-1728.

At Spotlight PA, we’re bringing journalism back to its roots — a public service fighting for you in the halls of power, tracking your tax dollars, and driving positive change. This is journalism worth supporting, and I hope I can count on you to ensure Spotlight PA can continue to thrive in 2024. Please consider making an end-of-year gift now at

Christopher Baxter is the CEO and President of Spotlight PA, a nonpartisan, nonprofit newsroom producing investigative and public-service journalism that gets results. Learn more about Spotlight PA’s mission and funders at

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