I hope you enjoyed this article. This kind of reporting takes a lot of time and resources, and we can do it thanks to the generous support of Spotlight PA’s thousands of members. That’s what sets us apart from other newsrooms — in fact, there is no one quite like Spotlight PA.
But we need your help to ensure this vital journalism can continue, and for a limited time, all gifts will be DOUBLED thanks to a special matching grant.
We are independent, beholden to no corporate interests or profit motives. We’re strictly nonpartisan, with no political agenda, no policy preferences, and no opinion content. And we are nonprofit, allowing us to offer all of our journalism at no cost thanks to the generosity of readers like you.
Our talented journalists produce stories you won’t find anywhere else, tracking our hard-earned tax dollars, exploring hugely consequential policy decisions, and holding our elected officials accountable. That reporting drives real and substantial change for the better.
Your support of Spotlight PA allows us to continue this urgent work and mission, ensuring all in Pennsylvania can access trusted, quality journalism that’s unique, relevant, illuminating, and inspiring. Donate right now and, as part of our Fall Member Drive, your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the Lenfest Institute for Journalism. That’s DOUBLE your money.
Thank you.
Christopher Baxter
CEO/President, Spotlight PA
PS: If you prefer to mail a check, you can send it to:
Spotlight PA,
PO Box 11728,
Harrisburg, PA 17108-1728