In March 2019, when I was offered the chance to build a news organization from scratch, I knew it was once in a lifetime. I knew it was time to stop fretting and start getting to work to return journalism to its roots of accountability and public service.
I had spent the past decade working in traditional, for-profit newspapers, and it was dismal. Layoffs, bankruptcies, buyouts, cost-cutting, "doing more with less" — all to save a bottom line in free fall, and without regard for the true mission of the work.
Unique, impactful investigative and public-service reporting was being shoved aside for a profit-driven model focused on page views and ad impressions. In the process, many of our community news institutions let you down again and again and again.
Five years ago this month, we launched Spotlight PA to take journalism back.
Today, in celebration of our 5th Anniversary and Democracy Day, we celebrate the vital importance of a free press and ask for your generous support. As a special bonus, the first 500 gifts to Spotlight PA before Oct. 5 will be DOUBLED by a generous matching gift.
The impact of Spotlight PA’s founding resonates with every story we write. We've saved taxpayers millions of dollars, uncovered broken government programs and gotten people life-changing help, and held lawmakers and powerful institutions accountable for their actions — sometimes leading to legislative and policy changes.
We've flipped the script on political reporting, casting aside horse race election coverage in favor of journalism that actually helps you vote in your best interest. We've elevated the discussion on topics of vital importance to your quality of life, and we've had some fun along the way, showcasing the beauty of where we live.
But bigger than the thousands of stories and countless examples of impact they've had, we've worked every day to earn your trust and your support. We're not perfect, and tough, investigative journalism doesn't always make us popular with certain people. But we do it every day as a public service — and we answer to you.
We are building a legacy and culture of accountability, transparency, and service that will make our commonwealth and our democracy stronger than ever. A democracy is not possible without a free press, and a free press is not possible without the freedoms afforded in a democracy.
You are a vital part of this legacy. Today, we’re kicking off our Fall Member Drive and I’m asking for your support. Your generosity makes Spotlight PA's vital journalism possible and keeps our democracy strong and functioning. Neither is possible without your direct involvement.
As a special bonus, for a limited time, make a generous contribution of any amount right now and it will be DOUBLED by the Lenfest Institute for Journalism. If you prefer to send mail a check, send it to: Spotlight PA, PO Box 11728, Harrisburg, PA 17108-1728.
I have two children — ages 3 and 5 — and someday, they will ask me what I did to try to make our community and country better. With our work and your support, I know we'll have a good answer for them when that day comes.
I'm up to the challenge for the next five years. Are you with us?

Christopher Baxter is the CEO & President of Spotlight PA. Spotlight PA is funded by foundations and readers like you who are committed to accountability journalism that gets results. This article is part of U.S. Democracy Day, a nationwide collaborative on Sept. 15, the International Day of Democracy, in which news organizations cover how democracy works and the threats it faces. To learn more, visit