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Penn State trustees discuss "Paterno Field"

A resolution to honor longtime head football coach Joe Paterno sparked a brief but emotional discussion

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Centre Daily Times File

A trustee’s resolution to name the Penn State football field at Beaver Stadium after former head coach Joe Paterno was introduced and then withdrawn only minutes later when Paterno’s son objected to the timing, Spotlight PA’s Wyatt Massey reports.

At the university Board of Trustees’ public meeting Friday, Anthony Lubrano, an alumni-elected representative, proposed “Paterno Field at Beaver Stadium” and the creation of a day specifically honoring the longtime coach and his wife, Sue.

Massey first reported how trustees met behind closed doors twice in January to discuss the proposal. The meetings — a Jan. 16 “briefing” and a Jan. 29 “executive session” — lasted for hours and might have violated state law that requires governing bodies to conduct business in public view, continuing a decadelong pattern of the board convening behind closed doors.

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