Main content
Major donors and funders since launch
- Allegheny Foundation
- Amaranth Foundation
- American Journalism Project
- Teresa Amott
- Paul and Melissa Anderson
- Helen Andrews
- Hilary Appelman
- Laura and John Arnold
- Dorothy E Aylward
- Carol Baker
- Tony Barbieri
- Stanley Basickes
- Kenneth Baumert
- Christopher Baxter
- Mike Beattie
- Phyllis Beck
- James Beidler
- Amanda Bennett
- The Benter Foundation
- Berks County Community Foundation
- Diane Berman
- R Thomas Berner
- Nancy Bernstein
- Rita Bernstein & Alan Zuckerman
- Jennifer Bertetto
- David Boardman
- Jeffrey Braff
- Merrill & Nancy Brenner
- Clarence Brommer
- Heidi and Martin Brooks
- Glenn Carr and Gay Brown
- Wayne & Cynthia Bullaughey
- Beth Burrell and David Sorensen
- Lee Butz
- Nicholas Carosella
- Janet Carpenter
- Richard Carroll
- Audry Carter
- Ron Castille
- Center for Cooperative Media, Montclair State University
- Centre Foundation
- Chandler - Shreve Family Fund
- Bonnie Chang & Robert Hsu
- Nancy Chiswick and Arthur Patterson
- Patrick Christmas
- Michael Clark
- Jeffrey Cogshall & Rosamond Ryan
- Joan Cole
- Robert Conlon
- Kate Connolly & Alan Gardner
- Mimi Barash Coppersmith
- Vincent Crespi
- Mary Crozier
- Nancy Decker
- Jean & Barry DeSantis
- John & Janet Dillon
- Deborah DiPlacido
- Susan Duggan
- Melissa Egbertson
- Dianne & Dave Elderkin
- Ebe Emmons
- David Erdman
- The Erie Community Foundation
- Mary Evans
- Thomas Eveslage
- William Ewing
- Facebook Journalism Project
- Adelaide Ferguson and Ron Cahan
- George Fernandez
- Winifred Fessenbecker
- Ronald Filipelli
- Lauri Fink
- Inasmuch Foundation
- The Foundation for Enhancing Communities
- Mary France
- Jim Friedlich & Melissa Stern
- Fund for Nonprofit News at The Miami Foundation
- Jessica Gmeinder
- Good Words Foundation
- Google News Initiative Journalism Emergency Relief Fund
- The Grable Foundation
- Victoria Grant
- David Gray
- Eliza Griswold & Steve Coll
- Janet Gross
- Beverly Hahn
- Robert Haines
- David Hakes
- Paul Hallacher
- Marie Hardin
- Jean Harris
- William & Peggy Hartman
- Ellen Harvey
- Pamela Hawman
- The Heartful Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation
- Don Hebel
- The Heinz Endowments
- Henry L. Hillman Foundation
- Ardith Hilliard
- Mark Hirschman
- Ruth & Bruce Hollender
- Ray & Donna Holton
- Denise Horan
- Avram Hornik
- John McCarthy and Patricia House
- Feather Houstoun
- Xia Li & Jun Huangpu
- Roger Huggard
- Richard Hurst
- Mary & Howard Hurtig
- Sharon & Jeff Hyde
- Independence Public Media Foundation
- The Ivywood Foundation
- Christine Jacobs
- Joseph & Patricia James
- Richard & Sally Kalin
- Roberta Kangilaski
- Peter and Rhonda Keller
- Laura & Peter Kemper
- Richard & Janice Kleiser
- Roger & Karen Klotz
- The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
- Janet Koch
- Howard Kolus
- Elaine Kramer
- Beryl Kuhr and Patrick Bair
- Darlene Kvaternik
- Lancaster County Community Foundation
- James & Denise Lanning
- Timothy Larson
- Cindy Lawn
- Patricia Leach
- Leader Family Foundation
- Lehigh Valley Public Media
- H.F. “Gerry” Lenfest
- The Lenfest Institute for Journalism
- Dale Lenox
- Julie Linowes
- Barbara Makar
- Robin Mann
- Joseph Manning
- Richard Mansberger
- David Martens/The York Dispatch
- George E. Martin
- Martina Martin
- Mary Martin
- The Richard & Susan Master Foundation
- Annie McCain Madonia
- Melissa Meier
- Jane and Mark Mendlow
- Michelle Mertz
- Ed Mitchell/Edward Mitchell Communications
- Bruce Morris & Colleen Gallagher
- Gaylon Morris
- James and Susan Morris
- Anthony Muir
- Lynn Myers
- Ramona & Glenn Nelson
- John Nichols
- Ed Nielsen
- Steve Noone
- Karen O'Brien
- Marty O'Brien
- Katie O'Toole & Gary Gray
- Bill Oliver
- David Ottaway
- Sheldon Parker
- Kathleen Pavelko
- Clifford Pearlman & Lynn Marks
- Sue & Jack Peck
- PennLive/The Patriot-News
- Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation
- Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation Fellows Fund for the Future
- The Philadelphia Foundation
- Norman Pine
- The Lois Tack Thompson Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation
- Poor Richard’s Charitable Trust
- Posner Foundation of Pittsburgh
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
- Timothy Potts and Lu Conser
- Donna Queeney
- Douglas Quint
- Harry Rambo
- Elisa Rapaport
- Catherine Raphael
- Report for America
- RevLab at The Texas Tribune
- Sarah Ricks
- Guinevere Ritter
- Larry Rose
- Dr. Michael Ryan & Dr. Linda Ryan
- James Ryan
- Patrick Sanaghan
- Alletta Schadler
- Jim & Kathi Schaedler
- Gary Schell
- Leslie Schlessinger & Joycellen Auritt
- Gail Scott
- Scranton Area Foundation
- Nicholas Selch
- David Seltzer
- Peter Shelly
- Mark Sheppard
- Kevin Shivers
- Gary Shorts
- Rebecca Shoval
- Joshua Singer
- David Skerpon
- Ron & Sue Smith
- The Snider Foundation
- Christine Spolar
- Jane Sprecher
- Diane and Brinkley Sprunt
- Frederick Steinberg & Jo DeBolt
- The Steinman Foundation
- Andrea Stewart
- Catherine Stouch
- E. Marvin Stouffer
- Phil Straus
- Stephanie Szakal
- Ardith Talbott
- Carol Thomas
- Steve Townsend
- Daniel & Linda Trevino
- TribLIVE/Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
- Jeannine Turgeon
- Elizabeth Useem
- Robert and Dianne Vickery
- Caitlin Virtue
- Ron Vodenichar
- Votebeat
- Margaret Wallace
- Steven & Patricia Walmer
- Kathleen Weidner
- Gabriel Weinberg & Lauren McCann
- Carol Weisman
- David and Susan Werner
- Jean Weston
- David Whiteman
- Connie and Sankey Williams
- Richard Williams
- Jo Schlesinger & Allan Willinger
- Cheryl Wist
- WITF Public Media
- Wyncote Foundation
- York County Community Foundation
- Berwood Yost
- Rick Young
- Florence and Stephen Zeller
- Debbie Walsh & Cliff Zukin
Members since launch
If you would like to see a full list of supporters since launch of any amount, email