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PLEASE NOTE: The communication channels below are intended only for news tips to our reporters. For technical problems, please email webmaster@spotlightpa.org. For general comments, please use the contact page. Other submissions, including press releases or events, will not receive a response.

Submit a tip

Our reporters rely on readers like you to alert us to waste, fraud, abuse, or other problems involving state or local government, businesses, or individuals. The best tips are specific (with details we can use to guide our reporting) and newsworthy (affecting a large number of people or involving entities or individuals with power over a large number of people).


Read more about what our reporters cover and how to reach them directly.


Submit a tip using your regular email service. For more secure email options, see below.

Email us: tips@spotlightpa.org


Our tip line can be reached at any time by phone or text message. Leave a detailed voicemail describing the tip and any information that would help us in our reporting including names, dates, locations, where we might find relevant documents, who we should contact for more information, and so on. If you’re willing, please leave contact information should a reporter want to follow up with you. If you’re concerned about anonymity, consider calling from a payphone or using a prepaid “burner” phone purchased with cash.

Call us: +1 717-418-9684

Postal Mail

Snail mail remains one of the most secure ways of sending us information.

Spotlight PA
PO Box 11728
Harrisburg, PA 17108-1728


Signal is a free app with end-to-end encryption, meaning the content of messages and calls can only be read by you or your intended recipient. You must register a phone number to begin using the app, so if you want to protect your identity, consider the same steps listed above in terms of using a “burner” phone.

Spotlight PA’s reporters each have their own Signal number. You must add their number to your contacts before messaging, so use a fake name for the entry, and they’ll do the same.


Proton is an email service that allows users to send encrypted messages back and forth with one another. This operates much like other email services but encrypts message contents. Sign up requires a username and password, so don’t use any identifying information. Once you have an account, you can communicate with us.

Write us: spotlightpa@protonmail.com

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